
Health & Safety Tips for 'Id

‘Id is celebrated with family gatherings, reunions and an array of delicious foods. With tables full of sweet treats and large quantities of food, ‘Id is a time when it is easy to deviate from personal health goals. Yet, you still can enjoy all the festivities of ‘Id with minimum impact on your health. Here are Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare’s (JHAH) top tips for a healthier and safer ‘Id this year.

Celebrate safely

Your ‘Id celebration might need a bit more thought and preparation. Make sure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations and don’t forget to practice good hand hygiene. 

Make a plan

Make a conscious choice of your food intake during ‘Id. Instead of overindulging, try the following:

  • Gradually resume your routine meal plan.
  • Plan your meals by choosing what to eat mindfully.
  • Consume small quantities and selections of your favorite foods.
  • It might be tempting to binge on ‘Id chocolates and sweets but remember that avoiding extra sugar is a key to steer clear of post-’Id weight gain.
  • Take breaks while eating. Remember that your brain takes a few minutes to signal that you are full.

Readjust your sleeping pattern

It might be challenging to get your body back to its regular sleeping pattern. Get back into routine with the following tips:

  • Gradually readjust by pushing back your bedtime one hour each day till you reach your regular sleep time.
  • Avoid caffeine at least four to six hours before your bedtime.
  • Avoid heavy meals and exercise before bedtime.

Stay hydrated

It is easy to forget to drink water when you are not in your routine. Ramadan pushes you to drink more water during the night to catch up on missed water intake from fasting.  While switching to a new routine during ‘Id, you may forget to drink water during the day. Make sure you are adequately hydrated throughout the day by drinking water or eating water-rich foods.

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