
Breast Cancer - Lifestyle Tips

Proper nutrition and exercise play important roles in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

What you should consume

To reduce breast cancer risk, healthy and well-balanced meals should include the following:

  • Consume more non-fat or low-fat dairy products.
  • Consume whole grains, unsweetened cereals, and cooked legumes, including beans and lentils as they are rich in fiber.
  • A minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh and, in particular, the ones with bright colors, are recommended to be consumed every day, including oranges, sweet melons, watermelons, strawberries, red grapes, green grapes, grapefruit, squash, tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, green peppers, and broccoli. These provide antioxidants that reduce the risks of breast cancer in addition to other health benefits.
  • Consume lean protein, such as lean meat, fish, tuna, and skinless poultry.
  • Healthy oils, such as olive oil and canola oil. Healthy oils should be used in moderation.
  • Consume nuts, in particular almonds and walnuts, as they contain anti-cancer nutrients.
  • Some studies recommend consuming soy products, such as soy milk and soybeans, as they play a protective role against breast cancer. Other studies recommended adding turmeric spice to foods for the same reason.

Obesity, exercise, vitamins

  • Avoid obesity. Women are advised to maintain a healthy body weight by consuming well-balanced meals and exercising regularly as obesity increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Women who exercise daily for 30-45 minutes have a lower risk for cancer than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Limit the intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates such as sweets and sugar-sweetened drinks and sodas. It is healthier to replace sweets with fresh or dried fruit.
  • Consume enough Vitamin D as Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of breast cancer. Women should consume low-fat or non-fat dairy products that are fortified with Vitamin D. Other food sources of Vitamin D include egg yolk, salmon fish, sardines with bones, and fortified cereals. Direct exposure to sunlight for 15 minutes a day can also help. Exposure to sunlight through glass windows, clothes, or after applying sunblock creams does not permit Vitamin D absorption.


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